CryoDry® Freeze-Dryer Highlights

There are many advantages in freeze drying whether you are freeze drying food or scientific samples, the effectiveness and efficiency of entire freeze drying is critical to the quality of the final product.

The CryoDry® CD8 freeze dryer is a great investment in ensuring excellence in your final result. Our CD8 offers global certification according to the highest standards of UL (USA), CSA (Canada) CE (Europe) and RCM (Australia/New Zealand). Our machines have undergone vigorous third-party review and testing by UL and SGS.

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CryoDry CD8 Freeze Dryer All in one process

Combines the steps of freezing and drying into one process for superior drying results, shorter process times and reduced labour.

CryoDry’s® All-In-One Process simplifies the freeze-drying process by combining freezing and drying into a single step. Unlike traditional passive freeze-dryers, there is no need for a separate freezing step, eliminating the need for additional manual handling. Our CD8 features programmable shelves with a temperature range of -35 °C to +60 °C, which provides precise control over the entire process from freezing to heat application for primary and secondary drying. This enables tailoring of the drying process to your product, resulting in efficient and effective drying. CryoDry’s® All-In-One Process, with its programmable shelves and all-in-one design, is a powerful and versatile tool for freeze-drying applications.


The new and innovative autodry mode is perfect for beginners or users who do not want to setup their own drying programs. The program uses an advanced algorithm to determine drying progress. It automatically adapts drying parameters and identifies process end. CryoDry CD8 Freeze Dryer

The new and innovative autodry mode is perfect for beginners or users who do not want to setup their own drying programs. The program uses an advanced algorithm to determine drying progress. It automatically adapts drying parameters and identifies process end.


CryoDry CD8 Freeze Dryer Easy to load

Easy to load and unload cupboard style chamber.

The CryoDry® freeze dryer is specifically designed for bulk applications, offering several advantages over traditional passive freeze dryers. The unit’s Easy-Load feature allows for convenient cupboard-style loading and unloading of bulk product - in trays, plates, bottles and similar - without requiring heavy acrylic or stainless steel manifolds being lifted for internal access. Additionally, the CryoDry® CD8 offers a range of thermal transfer blocks that enable efficient and fast freeze-drying of tubes, vials, and ampules.

In contrast, traditional manifold freeze dryers require the use of flasks and heavy acrylic or stainless steel manifolds which can be cumbersome to load and unload due to the need to lift for access. The use of flasks historically leads to uneven drying of products, as well as carrying the potential for glass breakage and contamination. By eliminating the need for flasks and manifolds, the CryoDry® freeze dryer offers a more streamlined and efficient freeze-drying process, resulting in superior product quality and more convenient use.


CryoDry CD8 Freeze Dryer is fast

Cooled and heated shelves for fast freezing and even faster drying. Typical time savings of more than 60% (based on in-house study, compared with passive systems).

The CryoDry® freeze dryer is designed to be fast and efficient in the freeze-drying process. It features temperature-controlled shelves enabling fast freezing and even faster drying.

This capability is not available in traditional passive freeze dryers that use flasks or unheated shelves. Our programmable shelves have a temperature range of -35 °C to +60 °C, making the freeze drying process customisable. Heated shelves for active drying energy input and the addition of programmable hysteresis settings means, that the CryoDry® freeze dryer can significantly reduce drying time, resulting in time savings of typically more than 60% over traditional passive freeze drying.



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